Tag: An Unearthly Child

  • Happy 52nd Birthday Doctor Who!!!

    It was on this day, fifty-two years ago, that the very first ever episode of Doctor Who, An Unearthly Child, was broadcast by BBC One, on the evening of Saturday, 23rd November, 1963. The world of television sci-fi would never be the same again. This story introduces us for the very first time to a…

  • Doctor Who – The Beginning (DVD Box Set)

    [R]ecently, I decided to conduct an interesting experiment in total immersion in classic Doctor Who, go right back to where it all started, and start watching my Doctor Who DVDs in order, starting with the earliest episodes first. Well, you can\’t get any earlier than The Beginning three-disk DVD Box Set, which contains the first…

  • Doctor Who – The Beginning (DVD Box Set)

    Recently, I decided to conduct an interesting experiment in total immersion in classic Doctor Who, go right back to where it all started, and start watching my Doctor Who DVDs in order, starting with the earliest episodes first. Well, you can\’t get any earlier than The Beginning three-disk DVD Box Set, which contains the first…

  • Panic Moon May 2014

    [O]ne of my favourite Doctor Who fanzines is Panic Moon, edited and published by the extra-talented and hard working Oliver Wake. Just hot off the presses (well, last month, so pretty recent) is the newest edition of Panic Moon, dated May 2014. Now Panic Moon isn\’t just one of those fairly common electronic fanzines. It\’s…

  • Doctor Who 50th Anniversary – My Personal Favourites

    [N]ow that November is over, I can look back upon Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary and state, with some enthusiasm, that it was a very good anniversary indeed, one of the best I can ever remember. There were lots of excellent Doctor Who items on television, on DVD and in the magazines, but these four were…

  • Doctor Who – Fifty Years in Time and Space

    This month marks the 50th Anniversary of my all-time favourite sci-fi television series, Doctor Who. The very first episode of An Unearthly Child aired on BBC1 at 5.15pm on Saturday 23rd November, 1963, and the world of sci-fi television, and our lives, would never be the same again. There has obviously been a lot of…