Tag: David G. Hartwell

  • THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY edited by David G. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman

    TITLE: THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY EDITED BY: David G. Hartwell and Jacob Weisman CATEGORY: Short Fiction SUB-CATEGORY: Anthology PUBLISHER: Tachyon Publications, San Francisco, 2012 FORMAT: Trade Paperback, 1st Edition, 480 pages ISBN 13: 978-1-61696-069-8 ISBN 10: 1-61696-069-8 CONTENTS: Introduction: Storytellers: A Guided Ramble into Sword and Sorcery Fiction by David Drake \”The Tower of…

  • Some New Books: April – August 2014

    This month marks the first anniversary of the first post to this blog, which has chugged along with at least one post per month, each month, since the blog began. Considering the fact that I believed that this might just be a short-lived offshoot of my main blog, and that it most likely would be…

  • It\’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part Three)

    This one has been a long time coming, far too long. But better late than never, I suppose… 🙂 The Barren Years – The Near-Death of Geekery During the Eighties All throughout the first half of the 1970\’s, I was in geek heaven, having seemingly unlimited time to spend on my obsessions with comics, sf…

  • It\’s a Geek\’s Life… (Part Three)

    The Barren Years – The Near-Death of Geekery During the Eighties [A]ll throughout the first half of the 1970\’s, I was in geek heaven, having seemingly unlimited time to spend on my obsessions with comics, sf literature, telefantasy and sci-fi films. But by 1977-78, things began to change considerably. I began my A-Levels at college…