Tag: Doctor Who Magazine

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 7)

    Here\’s the next part of my look back at the Best of the Bunch from Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary: The November DVD release of The Tenth Planet The November 50th Anniversary edition of Doctor Who Magazine 3. The Tenth Planet In third place, it\’s the November DVD release of The Tenth Planet. I\’ve been waiting…

  • Doctor Who 50th Anniversary – My Personal Favourites

    [N]ow that November is over, I can look back upon Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary and state, with some enthusiasm, that it was a very good anniversary indeed, one of the best I can ever remember. There were lots of excellent Doctor Who items on television, on DVD and in the magazines, but these four were…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 4)

    In my last post, I discussed the Doctor Who contents of the 50th Anniversary editions of both the Radio Times and the TV Times, and both magazines have pulled out all the stops for the 50th Anniversary. But when it comes to the magazines, nothing beats Doctor Who Magazine. The November 50th Anniversary edition of…

  • John Freeman on the Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen DVD

    I\’ve always been a huge fan of the classic Doctor Who series, but I\’m one of those die-hards who would prefer to think that the old series actually ended when Peter Davison left the show, and who considers the entire Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy eras, with the exception of a handful of stories, to…