[R]ecently I bought a couple of nice old SF anthologies from Amazon UK, both edited by Robert Silverberg. The first of the two is:
TITLE: TRIPS IN TIME – Nine Stories of Science Fiction
EDITED BY: Robert Silverberg
CATEGORY: Short Fiction
PUBLISHED: Wildside Press, 1977
FORMAT: Trade paperback, 152 pages.
The anthology is a collection of quirky time travel stories, which span a thirty-five year period, the earliest being originally published in 1941, and the last in 1976. Here\’s a listing of the contents:
- An Infinite Summer by Christopher Priest (1976)
- The King\’s Wishes by Robert Sheckley (1953)
- Manna by Peter Phillips (1949)
- The Long Remembering by Poul Anderson (1957)
- Try and Change the Past by Fritz Leiber (1958)
- Divine Madness by Roger Zelazny (1966)
- Mugwump 4 by Robert Silverberg (1959)
- Secret Rider by Marta Randall (1976)
- The Seesaw by A. E. van Vogt (1941)
This looks like a very interesting anthology of short fiction. Some of these stories I remember well as old favourites (the Priest and Leiber), others I vaguely remember (Sheckley, Anderson, Zelazny, van Vogt, Silverberg), and the other two I\’m not familiar with at all (Phillips, Randall).
Apparently this is a kinda/sorta \”sister\” anthology to an earlier one, VOYAGERS IN TIME (1967), which is a more traditional/typical collection of time travel tales. That\’s the other paper book I mentioned, and I\’ll get to that anthology once I\’ve finished with this one. It will be nice to compare the two collections of short stories.
I\’m looking forward to working my way through TRIPS IN TIME (however slowly, and most likely not in order of the contents listing), and will make a short progress report in this discussion thread as I finish each story.