Tag: Warehouse 13

  • Some Good Sunday Night Viewing

    [A]nother interesting Sunday night with myself and the mates here at Chez Phil, and we\’re all sitting here right now, watching some good sci-fi stuff on DVD. First up, it was the complete 2-Season DVD box-set of The New Captain Scarlet. This was an impressive modern CGI remake of the classic Gerry Anderson 1960\’s puppet…

  • Sci-Fi on Television (Part 3)

    The 2000s have provided a relative scarcity of good new telefantasy that I\’ve actually liked (in comparison to, say, the 1960s, 1970s or 1990s), and the unnerving policy of cancelling potentially good series (both UK and US) before they even get off the ground still continues to hang over every new television sci-fi creation. In…