This week\’s episode of Doctor Who, The Girl Who Died, is starting in just over twenty minutes on BBC1. We\’re almost half way through Series 9 already. It only seems like a week or two since it started!
The Girl Who Died is of interest to me because it is written by Jamie Mathieson, the same guy who wrote Flatline and Mummy on the Orient Express, two of my favourite episodes from the last Series. I make a point of looking out for anything written by this guy now. The fact that the story features Maisie Williams (playing Ashildr) of Game of Thrones fame is good enough, but the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) get to fight some nasty aliens alongside Vikings. Yes, Vikings! Should be fun. 🙂
There\’s some confusion over whether or not this story is the first part of another two-parter. The title of next week\’s episode – The Woman Who Lived – definitely implies some connection. Time will tell. It always does. 🙂
ADDENDUM: So, it\’s a two-parter without actually being a two-parter. Two self-contained stories in a prequel/sequel format. Sneaky one, Moffat.