The Woman Who Lived (written by Catherine Tregenna), this week\’s episode of Doctor Who, will be starting shortly on BBC1, marking the half-way mark of Series 9.
The Girl Who Died was an okay story, although not earth-shatteringly brilliant. I suppose after the incredible series-opening two-parter, it was bound to be downhill the rest of the series. At least none of the other stories have been terrible so far. And the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) are really getting along well as a team now, and I consider them to be one of the better Doctor/Companion pairings of the New Series.
We were wondering whether or not Steven Moffat was giving us another two-parter. Well, he is and he isn\’t. The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived are two different stories, set in different time periods, but both featuring Maisie Williams playing the same Ashildr character. They are basically a prequel/sequel. It\’ll be interesting to see if Maisie\’s character will become a recurring one.
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