The Zygon Invasion, the seventh episode of Doctor Who, Series 9, has just started on BBC1. It moves us into the second half of this series\’ block of stories, with the beginning of what looks to be a very good two-parter, finishing off next week with The Zygon Inversion.
Great start so far. The Doctor, Clara, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT face off against the Zygons. LOTS of Zygons. It\’s pretty much a sequel to the 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor, with a heckuva lot more Zygons. Of course, there\’s a lot of people getting killed and duplicated, and half the time, we don\’t know who the hell is whom. But at least we\’ve found out now how Osgood can still be alive even though she was killed by Missy in the last series.
A bit obvious, really, when you think of it. 🙂