Tag: Doctor Who: Fanzines
Plaything of Sutekh #4 Is Now Available
[A]s a follow-up to my last post, I\’m now happy to report that Plaything of Sutekh #4 is now available, after what seems like an eternity since the last issue. 🙂 As the details on the Plaything of Sutekh blog state, the new issue features articles on:- Pacifism in Doctor Who – a look at…
COMING SOON! Plaything of Sutekh Issue 4
[A] day or two ago, I posted about the availability of that truly excellent Gerry Anderson fanzine Andersonic, and plugging Issue 19, which was released recently. More good news is that Richard Farrell and Co. have been very busy bees, and Plaything of Sutekh Issue 4 will also be with us any day now, as…
Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part Two)
I remember my older Doctor Who, Star Trek and other general SF and telefantasy fanzines from the pre-computer DTP era, and the difference between those old zines and the modern variety is startling. The contents of those old zines were amazing, but the production values were, understandably, universally low, dodgy typewritten and photocopied efforts, the…