[A] day or two ago, I posted about the availability of that truly excellent Gerry Anderson fanzine Andersonic, and plugging Issue 19, which was released recently. More good news is that Richard Farrell and Co. have been very busy bees, and Plaything of Sutekh Issue 4 will also be with us any day now, as soon as it arrives back from the printers. It\’s been quite a while since Issue 3, so this is welcome news indeed.
Plaything of Sutekh is one of the very best Doctor Who fanzines available, covering all eras of the show from over the past fifty years or so. And, like Andersonic, Plaything is a real, paper/print, high-quality A5 publication, not an electronic fanzine.
I have no details as yet, other than the above cover and internal page spread screenshot below from the Plaything of Sutekh blog, but I\’ll post anything I find out, as soon as I find it out.
Can\’t wait for this!