Tag: Doctor Who: New Series

  • Deep Breath – Some Quick Thoughts

    Deep Breath is, at its core, a fairly typical regeneration debut story. The story itself wasn\’t bad, but wasn\’t exactly anything special either. But a regeneration story has the primary function of successfully introducing the new Doctor to the audience. This is the single most important thing we needed from Deep Breath, to break in…

  • Doctor Who is Back! Season 8 Starts TODAY!

    Later this evening, in slightly over two hours to be exact, the big event that every Doctor Who fan on the planet has been waiting for happens, when the first episode of Season 8 debuts on BBC1 at 7.50pm. This first episode, Deep Breath, is a 75-minute feature-length debut to the new season, and is…

  • Doctor Who – Season 8 Starts Today!

    We\’re into the early hours of Saturday morning right now, and the big event that every Doctor Who fan on the planet has been waiting for happens later this evening, when the first episode of Season 8 debuts on BBC1 at 7.50pm. This first episode is the first of twelve, and is a 75-minute feature-length…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 12)

    Here\’s the final part of my look back at Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary, with the final two of my list of favourite dozen best 50th Anniversary items: Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains Weekend Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited 13. Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains Weekend The three-part Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains Weekend, which aired…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 11)

    Here\’s the penultimate part of my look back at Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary: The Radio Times Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special The TV Times Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special 11. Radio Times 50th Anniversay Special The Radio Times Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special is a real doozy, with no less than TWELVE variant covers featuring…

  • Sci-Fi on Television (Part 3)

    The 2000s have provided a relative scarcity of good new telefantasy that I\’ve actually liked (in comparison to, say, the 1960s, 1970s or 1990s), and the unnerving policy of cancelling potentially good series (both UK and US) before they even get off the ground still continues to hang over every new television sci-fi creation. In…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 9)

    Here\’s the next part of my look back at the Best of the Bunch from Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary: The Night of the Doctor – mini-episode prequel The Last Day – mini-episode prequel 8. The Night of the Doctor Commemorating Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary, and the first of two very good mini-episode prequels to The…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 8)

    Here\’s the next part of my look back at the Best of the Bunch from Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary: The reshowing of An Unearthly Child The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who The Science of Doctor Who Special 5. An Unearthly Child In fifth place was the reshowing of all four episodes of An Unearthly Child…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 7)

    Here\’s the next part of my look back at the Best of the Bunch from Doctor Who\’s 50th Anniversary: The November DVD release of The Tenth Planet The November 50th Anniversary edition of Doctor Who Magazine 3. The Tenth Planet In third place, it\’s the November DVD release of The Tenth Planet. I\’ve been waiting…

  • Doctor Who: 50 Years in Space & Time (Part 6)

    November was, overall, an eventful 50th Anniversary for Doctor Who. Lots and lots of great things were happening, on television, on DVD and in the magazines. I can now look back upon the entire 50th Anniversary and list my favourite items. Here, starting with the best, and working my way back, is what I consider…