Tag: Irwin Allen

  • Happy 50th Anniversary, Lost in Space!

      Here\’s yet another anniversary, hot on the heels of Star Trek\’s 49th. This time, it\’s the 50th Anniversary of Lost in Space. I remember spending quite a few Friday evenings and (later) Sunday mornings watching re-runs of this on UK television during the early 1970s. Irwin Allen series were VERY popular on UK television…

  • Leonard Nimoy (1931 – 2015)

    [T]he news of Leonard Nimoy\’s death yesterday has had a strong impact on me in a way that the vast majority of celebrity deaths usually don\’t. When I woke up yesterday morning and saw the news for the first time online, it was like a kick in the gut. I spent the entire day stunned,…

  • The Lost World (1960)

    [I] was watching an old movie on Film4 on Sunday evening that brought back many good old memories for me. It was one of those oldies that I\’d first seen way back when I was a kid, sometime during the first seven or eight years of my life, and is one that I hadn\’t seen…

  • Sci-Fi on Television (Part 1)

    I\’m a big fan of sci-fi on television, which I almost always refer to by its \”proper\” name, telefantasy. The 1950s-1990s were, in my opinion, the Golden Age of telefantasy, and the first real telefantasy started about a decade or so before my birth (in December 1960), when Captain Video and His Video Rangers first…