Tag: Space: 1999

  • Andersonic 20 Is Out Now!

    The good news is that Issue 20 of my favourite Gerry Anderson fanzine, Andersonic, has just been released, so it\’s time for my usual plug. So, what\’s on the menu this issue? The current issue features: Brian Johnson interview – a new interview with Space 1999\’s FX director. Brian also talks about his work on…

  • Andersonic Issue 19 Is Out Now!

    [T]he latest issue of one of my favourite fanzines, Andersonic Issue 19, has been out for a while now, so I reckon that it\’s long past time that I gave it a plug. So, what has Richard Farrell and his Merry Crew dished up for us this time? As per the details on the Andersonic…

  • Andersonic Issue 19 Is Out Now!

    The latest issue of one of my favourite fanzines, Andersonic Issue 19, has been out for a while now, so I reckon that it\’s long past time that I gave it a plug. So, what has Richard Farrell and his Merry Crew dished up for us this time? As per the details on the Andersonic…

  • Andersonic Issue 18

    [T]he best recent news on the fanzine front is that Richard Farrell and the gang have just released Andersonic #18 onto \”the streets\”, and just in time too, as I was in dire need of something good to read. For those unfortunates who aren\’t \”in the know\”, Andersonic is THE best (as well as my…

  • Andersonic Issue 17 Is Out Now

    [S]everal posts back, I mentioned that Issue 3 of the excellent Doctor Who fanzine Plaything of Sutekh had hit the stands. And now, what seems like barely five minutes later, Richard Farrell and His Merry Crew have also unleashed Andersonic #17 upon the unsuspecting world. I haven\’t even had time to finish reading Plaything of…

  • Sci-Fi on Television (Part 1)

    I\’m a big fan of sci-fi on television, which I almost always refer to by its \”proper\” name, telefantasy. The 1950s-1990s were, in my opinion, the Golden Age of telefantasy, and the first real telefantasy started about a decade or so before my birth (in December 1960), when Captain Video and His Video Rangers first…

  • Nostalgia Collecting – Old UK Comics and Annuals

    [T]hey say that nostalgia is the narcotic of the over-forties. I\’m almost fifty-three, and I can definitely admit that it\’s particularly true of me. I\’ve always been a very nostalgic person, always fascinated by the past, even back when I was a kid. So pretty much my entire life, I\’ve been on a quest to…

  • Classic British Telefantasy: My Top Ten Favourites (Part One)

    I love television sci-fi (also known as telefantasy). But as much as I like the US sci-fi television shows, I\’ve always been an even bigger fan of British telefantasy. So I\’ve compiled a list of my favourites, in this case sticking to the more famous classic series, avoiding the more obscure shows, as they\’ll be…

  • Fanzines – Creative Genius at the Grass Roots (Part Four)

    Okay, here\’s the fourth and final part of my ramblings on my memories of and experiences with fanzines. This one takes us right up to the present day and the most modern fanzines. I\’ve already mentioned how I faded away from collecting fanzines in the late-1990s, and have only really rekindled the passion for zines…